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SaferTrader.com Launches New "Conforming Credit Spreads Service"

September 26, 2013

SaferTrader.com is the website created and operated by Dorian Products LLC to assist conservative investors in finding appropriate lower risk option credit spread trades with the objective of achieving a recurring monthly income stream.

Sanford, Florida - SaferTrader.com, the website devoted to market educator Lee Finberg's well known investment how-to book "The Monthly Income Machine," is pleased to announce the worldwide availability of its new "Conforming Credit Spreads Service" subscription program.

The Service provides subscribers with a weekly list of option credit spreads that fully conform to the trade entry criteria of "The Monthly Income Machine" - the widely praised analytical approach for conservative investors seeking recurring monthly income through option credit spread investing.

The "Conforming Credit Spreads Service" evaluates the Friday closing prices of stocks, options and market indexes and compiles a list of trade candidates that currently meet "The Monthly Income Machine" trade requirements.

While "The Monthly Income Machine" book details the exact step-by-step criteria for identifying conforming trade candidates, the new optional "Conformings" service will save investors approximately 90 percent of the time normally spent in searching for credit spread opportunities that meet all the requirements explained in the book.

Anyone who would like more information about the new "Conforming Credit Spreads Service" and its "The Monthly Income Machine" foundation can learn more by visiting the SaferTrader.com website, calling 1-407-314-5846, or via email to info@SaferTrader.com.

About SaferTrader.com:
SaferTrader.com is the website created and operated by Dorian Products LLC to assist conservative investors in finding appropriate lower risk option credit spread trades with the objective of achieving a recurring monthly income stream. Founder Lee Finberg's company, Dorian Products LLC, created this site to teach "The Monthly Income Machine" technique to help conservative investors establish that monthly income stream.

The introduction of the new "Conforming Credit Spreads Service," now offers investors a powerful, time saving new tool that identifies high profit potential-lower risk option credit spread candidates each week.

Source: http://www.1888pressrelease.com/safertrader-com-launches-new-conforming-credit-spreads-serv-pr-492120.html
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